
Saturday, December 7, 2013

New York Abortion Access Fund – Support for Women deserves Our Support

“What am I going to DO?!” is a question that reproductive health educators hear every day when it comes to the question of paying for abortion service. Unfortunately, it is not always and easy answer. 
In New York we are one of the lucky thirteen states where Medicaid covers abortion services. However, the maximum income allowed to qualify for Medicaid is extremely low.  Even if they make more than this limit, women are often barely scraping by prior to the added expense of an unplanned pregnancy.
Even if you are insured there are no guarantees. If you have commercial health insurance, depending on your companies plan, you may not be covered for abortion services. For example Federal Employees are not covered for abortion services because government plans do not provide for abortion care.
This puts even insured women and families in the awkward position of having to plan for unplanned pregnancies. With the cost of an abortion raging from five hundred to several thousand dollars, covering this type of payment may be out of reach.
But for women who fall through these cracks there is still hope! Founded in 2001, The New York Abortion Access Fund is a grassroots organization started to give concrete help to low income women from New York, or coming to New York, for abortion services.
This non-profit organization, supported completely through private tax deductible donations and volunteer work, takes calls from all over the country from women who are in financial need. They are part of a larger grassroots movement to help women centered in the National Network of Abortion Funds.
 Just this week, NYAAF pledged funds to a woman who made just a little bit too much money to qualify for Medicaid coverage but did not have enough money to afford her abortion.
“There are thousands of women that fall through the cracks. Women who aren’t eligible for Medicaid, or who have health care plans that don’t cover it. Women who need abortion care and simply can’t afford it,” according to Eesha Pandit, NYAAF board member.
“NYAAF is here to help these women. In 2010 our clients ranged from an 11-year-old victim of sexual assault to a 43-year-old mother of four. NYAAF has made grants to women of all ethnicities, their average age is 25, and four out of ten are already parents.” Pandit said.
Using creative approaches to fundraising, such as Cocktail Parties, Dinner Parties, Art Show, Theatrical Performances and participation in the National Bowl-a-thon NYAAF has provided tens of thousands of dollars to women in need over the past 10 years.

Pledges from NYAAF often mean the difference between women receiving services - or being turned
away for lack of funds. These direct donations have helped make sure that abortion services does not become restricted, not through legal channels, but through economic limitations.
If you are interested in participating in the support of low income women’s rights to reproductive health and self determination contact NYAFF by e-mail at or by phone at (212) 252- 4757. Donations are also accepted by mail to:
New York Abortion Access Fund
FDR Station Box 7569
New York NY 10150

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